Premium Lead Generation & Go-To-Market DFY Services For Online Businesses

Are you a new or busy online coach, consultant, or service provider wanting grow your business online and attract more clients? Do you want to partner with someone that is an expert and will bring the results you need to sustainably grow your business?

You came to the righ place!


Happy Clients


Clients ROI


Team with 10+ years of Experience

5 ⭐️

Customer Satisfaction

About Us

We empower new and busy online entrepeneurs with our premium DFY services, paving the path to effortless business growth and seamless client acquisition

What We Offer

Premium Lead Generation

What do we mean by "Premium"?

You will have a team of lead generation experts 100% dedicated to you!

We don't do the avarage lead generation. We focus on authentic & align message makes you feel confident and comfortable with your outreach strategy!

Expert Consulting at ALL times

Your success is our success.

It doesn't matter which service package you choose, we will be by your side helping you in any way we can at all times!

Strategy Setting & Implementation

A business without a plan is bound to fail.

As business strategists, we create and implement a business plan so you can create and fined more business oportunities and achieve countinuous business growth!

Content Marketing

Not sure what to post? When to post? How to do it?

Our Content Marketing Consultant will provide a roadmap for simple and highly engaging content creation!

Seamless Support Systems

We have partnerships with top-of-the-line sofware providers that can help you take your business & sales to the next level

Funnels? Sequences? Lead Magnets? We got you corvered!

Processes Implementation

Feel lost and not being able to make sense of your business processes?

No worries! We help you figure it out and implement them for you!

Strategy Support Materials

We create lead magnets, freebies, DM processes, emailing, and all you need to take your lead generation and sales to the next level!

Our Services

The Lead Gen Pro

Premium Lead Generation services for online business who can't waste time with training and figuring out how to generate leads online.

With our focus on quality and with the help of a team of experts, you can expect the right support to bring in consistent qualified calls booked into your calendar with high potential of converting into clients!

The UnderBiz

In this comprehensive all-inclusive and done-for-you package you not only have full support with lead generation, but we also help implement a business strategy with everything you need for long-term success in your business.

If you are feeling overwhelmed about the marketing and business processes and not sure if what you are doing is right, this is your package. Get rid of the overwhelm and let us implement everything you need for a thriving business!

The Business Atelier

It doesn't matter where you are at in your business. We provide different solutions for different needs and types of budget. Check our online store and see what fits you current needs best!

Do you know what you need and hate sales calls?

Best part? No sales call - just add the service in your cart, confirm the purchase, and you are ready to go!

Listen To What Our Clients Have To Say


Endora is a total pro and gets the job done. She's able to manage leads, track progress, move prospects through the funnel and get calls booked on the calendar. Hiring Endora and her team has been critical to evaluating our marketing and advertising project

Melissa Roberts

Relationship Coach

Working with Endora has been a game changer for my business. You have to constantly do out reach to build your email list and get appointments and having her team do it has been a huge stress relief for my business. She is consistent, she goes above and beyond and I truly feel like she is part of my team. She wants the first appointment just as bad as I do. Endora has also helped me so much with feeling at ease and know that it's all going to happen.

Denise Hanson

Career Coach

Endora is a consummate professional with an impressive track record. Her coaching has been super useful to me. I would recommend her services very highly for anyone planning to offer a structure course or coaching program

Janet Greco

Business Consultant

Endora is super professional, easy to communicate with and really understands how to build authentic connections. It's been great working with her so far

Rachel Pearson

Business & Marketing Coach

Endora is a gem. She is very organized, knowledgeable and easy to work with. I love knowing she is taking care of things I don’t have time to do. She keeps me on track and I appreciate her flexibility and support.

Greta Ertl

Spiritual Coach

Endora came up with a strategy tailored to fit my current needs. It was great to hear her insight into what I needed to improve upon, and gave some unique suggestions that I hadn’t from other coaches. Even more interesting was to hear what she thought I was doing right, and could focus on even more. Highly recommended!

Diane Eisenstein

Declutter Coach

Results & Feedback

Why Choose Us

Your Success Is Our Success


Unlike any other company or VAs we don't base our productive in hours, but in results. We will do our very best to get the results you want for your business and achieve your goals.

10+ Years of Experience

We are experts in what we do and have been working in sales, marketing, and lead generation for more than 10 years. We know how the online world works and what's required to be successful!

Focus on Quality

One our core business values is QUALITY. We give our all to deliver high-quality services - from the strategy, implementations, to getting high quality leads that will convert into clients.

Your Trusted Partner

Your success is our success and we want to work with you for many years to come! You can trust that we eill give our ALL to your success.

We do the Heavy Lifting

Whether you're juggling a demanding 9-5, nurturing your family, prioritizing other life commitments, or simply prefer to focus solely on other business aspects—rest assured, we've got your back. Let us handle the intricate processes, seamless implementation, and smooth operations of your business, allowing you the freedom to excel in what you do best.

Transparency & Honesty

Unlike other service providers, we don't make unrealistic promises. Growing a business requires time, effort, and consistency but we assure you: Stick with us and you WILL achive success!

Want More Help to Grow Your Business?

Tell us what you need and we will get back to you with a personalized services proposal


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Office: Cologne, Germany

Call or WhatsApp 049 221 27643238


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